Moving Forward With Young Voices

Moving Forward is the weekly podcast and radio show featuring Young Voices contributors on a wide range of topics. Young Voices is a non-profit PR agency and talent firm for students and young professionals in policy. Each week on Moving Forward, four Young Voices contributors join host Bryan Hyde for a 10-minute conversation about politics, policy, news and current affairs. Topics range from free-market environmentalism to hyperinflation, confronting China to descheduling marijuana, and educational freedom to junk in outer space!

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Tuesday Jan 10, 2023

School systems across the nation are seeing declining reading scores in 4th graders. Sara Montalbano says, in Alaska, poor reading scores reflect more on flawed teaching methods than pandemic measures.
Agriculture and climate policies are increasingly in conflict. Quinn Townsend explains why funding agriculture research is a win for the climate. 
We don't seem to hear much about individuals doing truly heroic things these days. Scott Newman shares a few of the insights he gained from a recent interview with a human rights activist.
Many libertarians are frustrated by the ongoing difficulty they have in gaining traction in elections. Mike Viola says they'd be wise to take a political lesson from Donald Trump's 2016 campaign.
Website: Young-Voices

Tuesday Jan 03, 2023

Doomsayers have been blaming overpopulation for the impending destruction of the planet for more than 2 centuries. Ethan Brown says overpopulation isn't the issue and saying so is wrong and damaging.
Few of us want to eat bugs, yet we wonder if environmentally friendly sources of food are worth exploring. Micah Safsten explains how cultured meat, not plant-based meat, is the future of environmentally conscious food.
Energy issues are front and center for the member nations of NATO. Roy Matthews warns that NATO must guard against Russian sabotage in Norway's pipeline network.
There's no doubt that TikTok is popular among kids. Garion Frankel lays out the reasons why teachers should resist the urge to use the platform to reach their students. 
Website: Young-Voices

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022

In many ways, police have become the punching bag of public services. Sophia Worringer says, let the police strike and we just might appreciate their worth. 
When President Biden offered student debt forgiveness a few weeks ago, the courts had to step in and remind him that he lacks authority to do so. Charles Brandt explains the legal doctrine that saved the taxpayers from paying those student loans.
Reining in Big Tech is on a lot of people's minds right now. Sarah Montalbano advises that decentralization is a better approach than asking Big Government to do the job.
The collapse of the FTX cryptocurrency is now the subject of a Congressional investigation. James Czerniawski shares some of the major takeaways from a recent House hearing.
Website: Young-Voices

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022

Proponents of gun control are resorting to rhetorical sleight of hand to sway public opinion in their direction. Cody Wisniewski explains how gun control advocates have adopted the 'everything we don't like is a loophole' mantra.
Both parties have their doubts about our election system. Amanda Griffiths notes that we need to address the real barriers to election integrity.
Higher education is falling on tough times these days. Mike Viola spells out how education is more expensive and less valuable than ever.
Website: Young-Voices

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022

Ready or not, the age of the electric vehicle is coming and states like California are making it official. Ethan Brown explains why EVs aren't a silver bullet for California's clean energy future.
The 2024 election is still the better part of two years away. Grace Bydalek wonders, why are NYC Young Republicans already endorsing Donald Trump?
How does legalising certain drugs reduce the risk for those who use them? Jack Rowlett spells out why legalising ecstasy should be a drug policy priority.
The midterm elections made it clear that American votes are not happy. Benjamin Ayanian says the midterms have highlighted a failing duopoly and the need for reform.
Website: Young-Voices

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022

A common objection to school choice is the claim that it will harm rural school districts by diverting students and funds from smaller schools. Alexander Salter explains why rural districts have nothing to fear and much to gain from school choice.
The student debt crisis has plenty of politicians lining up to provide their pet solutions. Thomas Irwin says, if you want to fix the student debt crisis, stop superfluous grad school requirements. 
No matter how unfeasible a particular utopian policy may be, they tend to die hard. Torben Halbe spells out why carbon neutrality is a pipe dream.
A looming rail strike that's set to begin on December 9 could add yet another layer of difficulty to our lives. Andrew Donaldson weighs in on the likely consequences if the strike takes place.
Website: Young-Voices

Tuesday Nov 22, 2022

As evidence continues to mount regarding collusion between U.S. government agencies and social media executives, the GOP stands at a crossroads. Elijah Gullett says Republicans can become the party of civil liberties again, if they choose.
When Californians approved Proposition 12 which raises the standards under which livestock farmers must raise their animals, it was sure to face challenges. Charles Brandt explains why the courtroom is no place to challenge the Prevention of Cruelty to Farm Animals Act.
With all the drama surrounding Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter, there are a couple of things that must be understood. David McGarry spells out how the Twitter monopoly is a myth and how the market can provide the needed fixes.
On a related note, serious questions remain as to how Twitter can stop bleeding users. Caden Rosenbaum says if Musk wants to fix Twitter--good luck.
Website: Young-Voices

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022

China foreign policy has included increasing its influence in Africa. Alexander Jelloian says America can't ignore China's growing role in African education.
Small modular nuclear reactors are a promising solution to the quest for clean energy. Quinn Townsend explains how West Virginia is opening the door to allow nuclear energy production in the state.
The cryptocurrency world has been rocked by the FTX token going under because its CEO stole billions of dollars. Eric Peterson offers some insights on what happened and what it means for cryptocurrencies.
International Men's Day is November 19th. While this may cause some feminists to roll their eyes, Sophia Worringer says International Men's Day is a feminist cause.
Website: Young-Voices

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022

Is there collusion between social media giants and the Dept. of Homeland Security in suppressing dissenting voices online? Leslie Corbly explains how a key lawsuit could reveal just how blurry the lines between social media and government have become. 
Rising fuel prices are sparking renewed interest in repealing a 1920 act that artificially limits the number of cargo ships and raises prices to transport goods. Tyler Curtis wonders if the Jones Act is on its way out.
The recently passed Inflation Reduction Act has a heavy focus on climate change policy. Kelsey Grant says Republicans should use this as an opportunity to revamp their climate change strategy.
Public trust doctrine won't be enough to save the Great Salt Lake which is rapidly going dry. Micah Safsten says proper incentives would do the trick. 
Website: Young-Voices

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022

Christianity is being portrayed as a portal to nationalism by some establishment types. Garion Frankel offers a defense of public Christianity as a positive influence in American life.
Politicians are great at making promises that are quickly forgotten when the election is over. Calum Paton says Americans should be wary of the GOP's "Commitment to America" plan.
Tracking your purchases can be a great way to keep track of spending. It can also lead to serious mischief. Cody Wisniewski explains how big banks and credit card giants have green-lit a new plan to track your gun store purchases.
There's been a lot of emphasis on police reform over the past couple of years. Finesse Moreno-Rivera explains how despite those reform efforts, police keep killing people in higher numbers.
Website: Young-Voices

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