Moving Forward With Young Voices
Moving Forward is the weekly podcast and radio show featuring Young Voices contributors on a wide range of topics. Young Voices is a non-profit PR agency and talent firm for students and young professionals in policy. Each week on Moving Forward, four Young Voices contributors join host Bryan Hyde for a 10-minute conversation about politics, policy, news and current affairs. Topics range from free-market environmentalism to hyperinflation, confronting China to descheduling marijuana, and educational freedom to junk in outer space!
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
The past two years have been filled with examples of overuse and abuse of emergency powers. Benjamin Ayanian says Justin Trudeau's actions, particularly, have given us an invaluable reminder of the fragility of freedom.
Immigration concerns remain high for many Americans. Instead of hyper-focusing on the Southern border alone, Michael Holmes recommends taking a closer look at creating more options for the Northern Triangle.
Is Mexico sliding into an authentic dictatorship under president Obrador? Gabriel Salazar Sing says, Obrador needs to be watched closely.
The current anti-vaping movement is falling prey to political manipulation. Jason Reed explains how Michael Bloomberg and the WHO are doing great damage in the name of public health.
Website: Young Voices
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Every nation that is dependent on Russian oil is feeling the crunch right now. Corey Walker explains how the U.S. can fight Russia with fracking.
Inflation is an undeniable reality in most of our lives right now. Jack Salmon explains how the Federal Reserve has failed in its inflation mandate.
Central Bank Digital Currencies are on the minds of bankers and citizens alike. Santiago Varela shares his insights on how the Fed has finally spoken regarding CBDCs.
A good example of the scarcity mindset can be seen in the California Environmental Quality Act. Thomas Irwin makes the case that it's time to reform CEQA.
Website: Young Voices
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
The debate over possible statehood for Washington D.C. has been going on for a while. Y.Z. Huang says the Ottawa protest proves that D.C. shouldn't be a state.
The current conflict between Russia and Ukraine has brought a number of energy issues to the forefront. Nicholas Aderinto explains why building the EastMed pipeline would free Europe from dependence on Russian energy.
Public schooling has become ground zero for the ongoing mask wars across the country. Adam Shepardson reminds us that school choice is the answer to Virginia's mask wars.
The calls for greater regulation of online content by social media companies are proving very tempting to members of the federal government. Jane Bambauer says, when it comes to social media, hate the players, not the game.
Website: Young Voices
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Since taking office, the Biden administration has been determined to reshape the nation's economy and culture. Jeff Luse explains why Build Back Better will fail to reach its climate change goals.
What can we learn from the Russian equivalent of NATO doing a good job of looking out for its member nations? Roy Matthews says, we can definitely see which alliance is talk and which is action.
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has made serious waves in education circles since taking office. Lillian Tara warns that it's important not to lose sight of Youngkin's most farsighted education policy.
Should big tobacco be actively working to stub out vaping through regulatory effort? Dan Smith has the details on who is in on the effort.
Website: Young Voices
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Playing defense will only get you so far. Kelsey Grant says Republicans would be wise to remember that this is the case in dealing with environmental policy and climate change. She says conservatives should get on board with carbon pricing.
Is Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) a solution in search of a problem. Nicholas Anthony reports that the long-awaited Fed's report on CBDCs has dropped and has fallen flat.
Even well-intentioned laws can still be grossly misapplied. Regan Ferrell has an interesting take on how California's loitering laws could cause unintended mischief at the Super Bowl.
The CIA is back in the spotlight after recent revelations of even more unlawful spying on Americans. David McGarry explains why it's time for conservatives to demand answers from the CIA.
Website: Young Voices
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
There's a lot of anti-Big Tech sentiment these days, for obvious reasons. Peter Pischke warns that the American Innovation & Choice Online Act is a bad idea in almost every way.
The Federal Trade Commission has a lot on it's plate these days. Andy Jung says there are some good reasons that Congress should think twice before requiring the FTC to police self-preferencing on the internet.
It's not your imagination. The crime rate is rising and Josh Crawford explains how Biden's efforts to re-fund police isn't going to be enough to reverse the rising violence.
Could bio-fuels help ease the discomfort we feel each time we fuel up? Lindsay Keiser says ethanol tax credits could not only ease our pain at the pump but could help the climate too.
Website: Young Voices
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
It's been two years since lockdowns began and, on college campuses, the restrictions seem to show no sign of ending. Jorge Velasco says it's past time to end the creepy campus Covid craze.
Like many pieces of legislation, the American Innovation and Choice Online Act aims to do precisely the opposite of its otherwise pleasant name. Grace Bydalek has a timely take on big government's tech war on the little guy.
Woke curriculum is finding its way into schools everywhere. But is it really about solving problems? Georgia L. Gilholy asks that we imagine the effect on a child who's told he's not racially innocent.
With inflation becoming an ever greater part of our daily lives, politicians are stepping forward to promote their favorite solutions. Agustin Forzani weighs the political implications of price controls and whether they solve the problem or create new problems.
Website: Young Voices
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
The gig economy has been a huge boon to people seeking ways to make a living outside of the traditional 9-5 model. Gabriella Hoffman warns that David Weil's return to the Dept. of Labor could imperil worker freedom.
The World Health Organization has become very influential over the past couple of years. Alys Watson Brown explains why the U.K. didn't fight its way out of the European Union only to be ruled by the unelected WHO.
Some of the economic hardships that have followed Covid-19 have been self-imposed. Sean Themea has a great take on how in response to Covid, Broadway got woke and went broke.
Not so long ago, we weren't supposed to talk about election integrity. Christopher Barnard notes that it's interesting how the Biden administration's voting right act is rife with hypocrisy over this issue.
Website: Young Voices
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
In this week's episode:
Our romantic attachment to old homes isn't all it's cracked up to be. In fact, new construction is better in almost every way. Nolan Gray joins us to make the case that it's time to stop fetishizing old homes.
The digital world is impacting even our favorite pastimes like sports. Eric Peterson brings us up to date on the future of sports and how it can be changed by NFTs, virtual reality and DAOs.
The public's patience is wearing thin with political leaders who exhibit a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do attitude. Bill Bowkett explains how Britain's Prime Minister is on a precipice over a Covid rule-breaking party he attended.
Higher education has proven to be fertile soil for the woke movement. Gary Frankel wonders whether Harvard is offering degrees as for a Master of Education or master of faux social justice.
Website: Young Voices
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
In this week's episode:
Toph Cottle makes the case that Mitt Romney's child tax credit plan deserves support. After all, keeping parents poor isn't going to improve their parenting skills.
The pandemic has brought to light a number of serious challenges faced by American students. Cooper Conway says In 2022, more educational choice is necessary.
There's a lot of uncertainty about America's fiscal future. As Kenneth Schrupp explains, the $4 trillion 'reconciliation' bill reflects a bipartisan legacy of reckless spending.
If you find it curious how many members of Congress have made fortunes during their time in office, you'll appreciate Addison J. Hosner's take on insider trading and Congress, a love story.
Website: Young Voices